What Problems With Your Tyres Are Actually Telling You

8 April 2016
 Categories: Automotive, Blog

When you have problems with your car's tyres, it may not be the result of poor quality tyres themselves. In many cases, how you maintain your car and its tyres, or neglect to maintain these, will show on the tyres themselves, including how they handle, the wear patterns you see, and so on. Note what your car's tyres can actually tell you about your car overall and your maintenance of the tyres, so you can keep both in good working order.

1. Cupping

This refers to a series of what looks like hills and valleys in a tyre, so that it doesn't have an even surface but dips in certain areas. Usually this is a problem with your suspension system, as the tyre may be hitting the pavement more firmly in certain areas, causes these dips or valleys. Your car may have bad shock absorbers or a spring in the suspension may be worn out. In any case, it's good to have the suspension system checked as too much wear in one area of the tyre or too much pressure like this may cause it to actually blow out while on the road.

2. Center wear

If you look at one tyre and note that it is worn down the center more apparently than in any other spot, you are probably overinflating the tyre. This over-inflation causes the tyre to hit the pavement at the center of the tyre itself rather evenly across its face, so that it gets more worn in this area. Ignoring this can cause cracking and eventual leaks, so check the manufacturer's recommended inflation level for your tyre and keep it inflated properly.

3. Flat spots 

When one area of a tyre seems flatter than the rest, this is often the result of having your vehicle parked for a long time in one spot. In turn, the weight of the vehicle continues to push down on that one spot of the tyres, causing flat spots. This can cause uneven inflation of the tyre so that it bumps and dips when you drive, and the brakes may not be able to grip it properly. To avoid this, move your car slightly on a regular basis when you have it parked, such as when you store a car during wintertime or have a second vehicle that you rarely drive throughout the year. This will ensure there isn't as much regular pressure on that one area of the tyre and it won't suffer these flat spots.
